Suggestion and Idea Management

The management of ideas and suggestions is an integral part of the corporate lean culture that encourages employee participation in the identification and implementation of improvements.

Active involvement of employees at all levels of the company creates a powerful driving force in raising awareness about continuous improvement. It generates a spontaneous influx of ideas directly from owners or process performers and collaborates on improving safety and health protection at work. This process also enhances the level of product and process quality, motivates employees, and, in many cases, directly impacts the company's economic performance positively.

By using the digital version of improvement proposal management, you eliminate the need for paper forms, expedite the approval process, and streamline the implementation of improvement proposals. Provide the author of the proposal the opportunity to view the status of their idea's progress at any time.

  • Easy recording and evaluation of ideas.
  • Accelerate approval and implementation.
  • Tracking the status and progress of each proposal.
  • Clear reporting on the results of improvement proposals and their savings over time.
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