Change Management

The dynamic business environment more than ever requires a robust system for the company's Change Management (ECR).

An overview of product and process changes, their regular discussion, and a task list for their resolution propel the company forward at a rapid pace. It helps to overcome problems that arise in various areas of the industrial environment quickly and in a controlled manner, everywhere and anytime from product and process development to quality and logistics matters.

Change management in the Power App environment enables a very agile and transparent approval process before and after the initiation of changes. It clarifies the status of plan fulfillment for ongoing changes, reliably stores all necessary information and documents, and provides insights to prevent the recurrence of similar errors from the past (lessons learned) in the future.

  • Elimination of time spent managing the paper version and approval
  • Overview of changes at various stages of implementation
  • Specific checklist before and after change implementation based on the change category for error minimization
  • Creation of lessons learned reports and a company knowledge database
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